Did you know that a foot is made of 26 bones and 39 muscles, which are specially adapted to support weight and adjust to almost any type of terrain; our feet take us everywhere and yet how many times a day you stop to think how much they are doing for you. One of the most common complain of foot ache is due to arthritis but o course this is not the only cause; here are some tips and suggestions that will help you provide foot pain relief as and when it occurs. There are many causes for a foot ache and it is important that you know what is it cause in order to provide the right foot pain relief; for instance, some back, hip or knee damage can cause direct pain to your foot but in that case you will need to administer treatment to the injured area and not to your foot. Ankle sprain is yet another common foot injury, as the statistics show an approximate number of 25,000 people a day and this can be caused due a large number of incidents such as, high heels, overweight and also very common with athletes. Other Treatments for Foot Pain Relief Foot pain relief for sprains can be found in ice/hot compressions, bed rest and ensuring that your foot is elevated. Do not force yourself to walk on the foot as it will hurt and damage the tissue further but exercise it everyday until it heals. Arthritis is one of the biggest problem that millions of Americans face everyday and not only and that can cause sever pain and swelling of the foot, which will at times confine you to the bed; here are a few treatments for foot pain relief in this delicate condition. Avoid placing weight on the suffering foot by providing it support and administer drugs that are prescribed by your doctor. There are many medications that can relieve pain temporarily such as, Advil, Aleve and Tylenol but if the pain does not subside then you may require antibiotics, which can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. Helpful Tips There are also natural, herbal foot pain relief remedies that can be found in sprays, ointments and herbs that need to be applied directly on the foot and massaged into the skin. Acupuncture is yet another way to combat foot pain and find relief especially if you have arthritis and the traditional drugs leave you with side effects such as drowsiness that does not let you conduct daily activities as usual. Powered by ScribeFire. |