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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma

Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma
Posted by: "robert-blau@wxxxv.net" Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:50 am (PST)

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 9, 2007 Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma(OMNS Nov 9 2007)

The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, often responds to a remarkably simple, safe, at-hometreatment: vitamin C. Physicians and patients report that vitamin C,applied directly to basal cell skin cancers, causes them to scab overand drop off.

[1] Successful use involves a highly-concentratedvitamin C solution, directly applied to the blemish two or three timesa day. Vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells, but does notharm healthy skin cells. This is also the basis for high-doseintravenous vitamin therapy for cancer.

[2] Even higher concentrationsof vitamin C can be obtained by direct application. The use of topicalvitamin C to kill basal cell carcinoma has been known at least since1971. Frederick R. Klenner, MD, wrote: "We have removed several smallbasal cell epithelioma with a 30 percent ointment" of vitamin C.

[3] One person, who reported that a 2mm diameter spot on the nose wouldnot heal for months, had it disappear within a week with twice-dailyconcentrated vitamin C applications. Another patient reported thatafter dermatologist-diagnosed multiple spots of basal cell carcinomawere coated with vitamin C, the spots fell off within two weeks.

[4] Basal cell carcinomas are slow growing and it is rare for them to metastasize.This provides an opportunity for a therapeutic trial of vitamin C, provided one has proper medical diagnosis and follow-up.

Preparation of a water-saturated vitamin C solution is simple. Slowly add a small amount of water to about half a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or crystals. Use just enough water to dissolve the vitamin C. Using less water will make a paste. Either way, application with thefingertip or a cotton swab, several times daily, is easy. The waterwill evaporate in a few minutes and leave a plainly visible coat ofvitamin C crystals on the skin. Consult your doctor before employing this or any other self-caretreatment. A physician's diagnosis is especially important, sinceother forms of skin cancer, such as melanoma, are faster growing andmore dangerous. If the vitamin C treated area is not improved after afew weeks, a doctor should be consulted once again.

[1] William Wassell, MD: Skin cancer and vitamin C. Cancer Tutor, http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/VitaminC.html

[2] Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Meng X, Li Y, Jackson JA: Intravenousascorbate as atumor cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent. Med Hypotheses1995;
44: 207-2 13.http://www.brightspot.org/cresearch/intravenousc2.shtml
and http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/199x/riordan-nh-etal-med_hypotheses_1995-v44-p207.htm and also

[3] Fredrick R. Klenner, MD: Observations on the dose andadministration of ascorbic acid when
employed beyond the range of avitamin in human pathology. Journal of

[4] Age spots, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis.http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v5n9.txt

Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy tofight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profitand non-commercial informational resource. Editorial Review Board: Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.Damien Downing, M.D.Harold D. Foster, Ph.D.Steve Hickey, Ph.D.Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.Erik Paterson, M.D.Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.Bradford Weeks, M.D. Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., Editor and contact person. Email:omns@orthomolecular.org


Re: Hydrazine Sulphate & LDN
Posted by: "Deidre Alejo" Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:23 am (PST)

Hello, I think you have LDN confused with DCA. Naltrexone has been FDA approved since the 1980's and Low dose naltrexone is the "off label" use which any GP can prescribe.

There are many pharmacist which dispense LDN but it has to be compounded from the 50 mg FDA approved form to the immune enhancing 4.5mg. for cancer. ONLY the 4.5 mg form has the benefits for cancer.

We who use LDN have it compounded at a compounding pharmacy which there are many in the U.S..


I think you have LDN confused with other medication. It is safe, non toxic, NO sides effects, low cost and any GP can prescribe it. I have been on it for 9 months with terminal cancer.



Re: Hydrazine Sulphate & LDN
Posted by: "Deidre Alejo" Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:48 pm (PST)

I have been taking Only LDN for 9 months and Low dose naltrexone has done what it is suppose to do... Hold the cancer at bay and slow progression.

I have been given a "new" life so to speak. I will add cesium chloride protocol now to try and reduce the tumor burden along with LDN as they are very compatible.



You asked--
How are you doing with it?


Re: Hydrazine Sulphate & LDN
Posted by: "Tad Winiecki" Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:35 am (PST)

Dee- Do you do the BP to any extent? FOCC? Meat? Raw food? Do you juice? What kind of food do you eat?


Deidre Alejo wrote: I have been taking Only LDN for 9 months and Low dose naltrexone has done what it is suppose to do... Hold the cancer at bay and slow progression.


This Miracle Substance Protects against Diabete, Heart Disease, Canc
Posted by: "robert-blau@wxxxv.net" Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:29 pm (PST)

From a promo for the book, "Your Best Health Under the Sun". A bit of a tendency toward the hyperbolic, but interesting . . .

The Medical Discovery of the Century

This Miracle Substance
Protects against Diabetes...

Stops Heart Disease Before it Starts...

And Kills Cancer Cells on Contact

So, Why Haven't You Heard About It?

Dear Total Health Breakthroughs Reader,

I want you to imagine a drug that can cause cancer cells to self-destruct, while leaving healthy cells to proliferate. It can also convert tumor cells into normal cells and prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.

In fact, this "drug" has been shown to help in the prevention and treatment of cancer in seven different ways! But that's not all. It can also dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke... lower bad cholesterol... and help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels. This "drug" also helps the pancreas to function better, while increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. It is a godsend for diabetics and a powerful way to prevent the disease in the first place.

And the list of benefits goes on, because...

This "drug" will also supercharge your immune system and boost your defenses against germs, bacteria and infectious disease. No wonder it has been shown to dramatically reduce episodes of colds and flu.

In fact, when this "drug" is circulating in the blood, it can successfully help to prevent and treat multiple sclerosis... rheumatoid arthritis... Parkinson's disease... osteoporosis... and in all, over 20 different diseases!

It can even improve your mood and increase your physical and mental energy. And would you believe that there are no negative side-effects, when used properly?

Sounds like a miracle, right?

Well, it is. And the good news is that this substance really exists. But you won't need a prescription, because it's not a drug... and that's why you've never heard of it. To get the benefits I have just described takes just a few minutes a day and will cost you absolutely nothing.

Why Haven't You Heard about this
Revolutionary Discovery?

If this were a drug, it would be hailed as the single greatest achievement of modern medical science. The developers would be the recipients of Nobel prizes and the story would be front-page news across the world. The patents would be worth many billions of dollars.

But that's just the thing. Because the substance I am about to share with you is natural and freely available, it can't be patented. There is almost no financial incentive for "modern medicine" to promote this life-saving substance. So guess what? They don't.

Despite the fact that a groundbreaking new study showed that it could save nearly one million lives each year! In fact, the same study showed that 600,000 cases of breast and colon cancer alone could be prevented each year, if people simply increased their intake of this vital substance.

Unfortunately, according to several experts, virtually 100 percent of the population is deficient in this substance at least part of the year. That means there's a good chance that YOU are deficient. And there is no doubt that this will affect your health and longevity... if you allow it to continue. The miracle substance I'm talking about is vitamin D... and it's free of charge and available right outside your front door.

Vitamin D Is FREE from the Sun - And What It Does Is Nothing Short of Amazing

Your body is intricately designed to interact with the sun. You simply can't function properly without it. Yet, we are constantly bombarded with so-called 'scientific' information to the contrary. The message from dermatologists, the medical profession and health authorities is nearly unanimous: Stay out of the sun!

You have been told to keep indoors during peak sun hours and cover yourself with sunscreen when you do go outside. All in the name of health.

But it may surprise you to learn that any evidence that exposing yourself to the sun is harmful evaporates under scrutiny. And if you follow this "no safe level of sun exposure" dogma, you could be putting yourself at greater risk of numerous deadly cancers, depression, bone loss, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune illness and a host of other ailments. In fact, even your risk of the deadly skin cancer melanoma could go up if you avoid spending time in the sun.

You don't hear this side of the story because there is no money in promoting sunlight. They can't sell it to you in pills. If it was possible, you can bet it would be one of the best selling drugs in history.

The bottom line is this: just about everything the government and mainstream medicine have told you about the sun is wrong. And their prescription - to stay out of the sun as much as possible and wear sunscreen when you do venture outside - is not only wrong, it's deadly.
But at last, the truth about sun exposure, vitamin D and your health is revealed...

The Vital Connection Between the Sun and Your Health



Lung Disease
by: "Sandra Runyon" Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:13 pm (PST)

Does anyone have any recommendations for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (Lung Disease) my dad was diagnosis last November, he was been told there is no cure, but we know God is a God of miracles we would like to see if there are any natural cures for this disease.

We appreciate any recommendations that have worked for others.

Sandra Runyon

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