Wednesday, November 28, 2007 |
Gout Pain Relief Remedies |
Gout pain can be severe and when someone is in this type of pain, it is hard to even think of anything else. The pain from gout comes from the inflammation of the affected site. The exact problem with gout is uric acid crystals. This pain can be reduced by a number of things such as anti inflammatory medicine or having the doctor administer a shot of steroids into the affected area. Finding gout pain relief will be what is on the mind of anyone who is getting an acute case of gout. Sometimes the person suffering may be given a narcotic for pain reduction. Using narcotics can become an addiction and many doctors may not want to prescribe them for that reason. One problem with gout is that if not dealt with properly it can go from an acute problem to a chronic problem. Gout pain relief will be harder to deal with when it becomes a chronic problem. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by BNB @ 1:11 PM |
Sunday, November 25, 2007 |
Are Your Searching For Gall Bladder Pain Relief? |
Most gall bladder pain is the result of inflammation, infections or stones. The gall bladder is a tiny organ situated above the liver. The bile, which is produced by the gall bladder, helps in digestion of food – particularly in breaking down ingested fats. The bile assists the absorption of a number of vitamins (all fat-soluble), i.e. K, A, D and E. What Happens When The Gall Bladder Malfunctions? When the gall bladder malfunctions, the first thing that you will find affected is digestion. When indigestion due to gall bladder problems occurs, besides nausea and vomiting, you will also experience acute pain in the right side of your abdomen, which gradually will spread to the lower back. Sometimes, this is accompanied by fever, severe gas and heartburn symptoms, diarrhea, abdominal bloating and jaundice. Some people reach out for antacids and painkillers for instant gall bladder pain relief. However, this is one of the worst possible ways to achieve gall bladder pain relief. The moment you think that the pain you are feeling is caused by the gallbladder, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment and the consequent gall bladder pain relief medication would be able to cure the underlying problem and get you rid of the pain forever. It has been observed that more than fifteen percent of adults develop gall bladder stones by the time they have completed the age of 50. This shows how common gall bladder stones are, and how dangerous it is to ignore the pain when it does occur. One should always bear in mind that gall bladder pain relief medication has to go hand in hand with the treatment of the cause of the pain. Since the gall bladder assists the liver in food digestion, any drug abuse when it malfunctions may affect the liver drastically, too. Hence, you should be very careful when you feel you are experiencing gall bladder pain. In case of stones, an ultrasound test would always give you an accurate picture of how bad the stone formation is and their immediate removal would ensure you with permanent gall bladder pain relief. However, if you ignore the pain and use painkillers to fight it with, you might risk a burst duct or similar disasters, which might cost you your life. Are you really willing to take such a risk? Considering that pain is the alarm of the body, ensure that its remedy would mean the total cure of the underlying health problem it tries to point your attention to. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by BNB @ 10:33 PM |
Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
The Truth About the China Study |
The Truth About the China Study
Here's the last two paragraphs of an article by Chris Masterjohn:
The China Study contains many excellent points in its criticism of the health care system, the overemphasis on reductionism in nutritional research, the influence of industry on research, and the necessity of obtaining nutrients from foods. But its bias against animal products and in favor of veganism permeates every chapter and every page.
Less than a page of comments are spent in total discussing the harms of refined carbohydrate products. Campbell exercises caution when generalizing from casein to plant proteins, but freely generalizes from casein to animal protein. He entirely ignores the role of wheat gluten, a plant product, in autoimmune diseases, so he can emphasize the role of milk protein, an animal product. The book, while not entirely without value, is not about the China Study, nor is it a comprehensive look at the current state of health research. It would
be more aptly titled, A Comprehensive Case for the Vegan Diet, and the reader should be cautioned that the evidence is selected, presented, and interpreted with the goal of making that case in mind. No virus found in this incoming message.
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
My girl friend's aunt has lung cancer. She told me her aunt is in complete remission by taking Flor-Essence.. There are soo many in the internet, what will be best source to buy from. Helen
Are we one size fits all?
If this list is serious about helping people, could we please drop the one size fits all nonsense? Yes, for some people a half gallon of milk a day may be too much, but for a young adult or teen that needs 10,000 to 12,000 calories to maintain a minimum weight, it is great. So blanket statements condemning the drinking of this much milk, without more information, are just plain rude.
Some people need more of certain vitamins than others do. Many people would die taking the amount of vitamin A I need to prevent migraine headaches, but I am super healthy using that much. And yes, this program was designed under the supervision of a doctor.
Everyone has a different metabolism rate, ancestry, allergies, and medical history. There is no one solution for any human body that will fit everyone. The idea of this list as I understand is to share what we find works for us, not to dump on what someone else finds that works for them.
Bright Blessings, Kim
Re: Are we one size fits all?
Dairy products are a health hazard. They contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates and are laden with saturated fat and cholesterol. They are contaminated with cow's blood and pus and are frequently contaminated with pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics. Dairy products are linked to allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding cow's milk to children, saying it can cause anemia, allergies, and insulin-dependent diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease, America's number one cause of death.
And dairy products may actually cause osteoporosis, not prevent it, since their high-protein content leaches calcium from the body. Population studies, backed up by a groundbreaking Harvard study of more than 75,000 nurses, suggest that drinking milk can actually cause osteoporosis
Re: Are we one size fits all? No, but...
Hi, Kim.
Regrettably, perhaps, I think we do need to talk in generalities at times. Regardless of what milk may do for some people, it is generally not good for the majority of people to drink. In "The China Study," Campbell even shows a significant link between cows's milk and childhood diabetes.
Many of your comments look as if you have found what works for you, and that you are in a class different than a great many people. It is wonderful that you have found out what works for you. But you appear to be an anomaly.
If we were to try to chop this board up into what specifically works for each single person, we would come up with little to nothing. We'd put ourselves in the same situation mainstream MD's want us: That is, in a situation where it appears that nothing is generally true, so we might as well give up trying to do anything to improve our health.
From what I have read and studied over the 18 years since I was diagnosed with cancer, I have found these things to be generally true:
1) that for most people with cancer, not eating animal protein is beneficial
2) that for most people, drinking pasteurized, homogenized, hormonated, antibiotic-added milk is not good
3) that prolonged, negative stress is very bad for everyone
4) that drinking PLENTY of pure water is good for everyone
5) that avoiding refined, processed foods is good for everyone
6) that getting around 8 hours of sleep and going to be well before midnight is best for most people
7) that getting daily, moderate exercise is good for everyone capable of doing exercise
8) that getting plenty of fresh air and intelligent sunshine is good for just about everyone
9) that the Budwig and Gerson protocols work for many people, and so are likely good for most people diagnosed with cancer to try
10) that a great many people are selenium and magnesium deficient, so that it is a good idea for most people to supplement their diets with these things
I think we are here to compare notes and to try to find what things have worked for the most people so that we can narrow down our search for what works.
I do not think cow's milk is a good thing for a teen or young adult to drink, I KNOW it is mucus-forming, and I DEFINITELY must question a 10,000 or 12,000 calorie diet. The following site says an average teenage girl needs 2,000 calories daily, while an average teenage boy needs 2500 to 3,000:
Best wishes,
Re: Are we one size fits all?
I believe, however, that benefits have been established for consuming cultured and organic dairy products.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
I don't know about H2O2 for internal use, and I have never done so. However, in the ears, nose, and throat for colds/flu, in the ears for earwax, and as a mouth rinse for gum care and tooth whiteneing, it's been great. I just have to START for the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and the cold goes away! :)
In regard to internal use, one would have to distinguish between routine use and use under special conditions. Even if the former WEREN'T such a good idea, the latter might be, depending.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
When you purchase the food grade Hydrogen Peroxide you can break it down to a 12% which is easier to use. You do have to handle it carefully too. The way to do this is take 1 cup peroxide and 2 cups distill water then pour into a bottle and label it as such This can not be taken as 1/4 teaspoon in 16 ounces water. I also add this to my 5 gallon bottled water to prevent mold or a musty smell in the water. That 1/2 teaspoon is enough to purify that amount of water without tasting it. You are getting the peroxide every day and yet it is very safe to use. It is like vinegar, it is too strong as is, but mixed in water is good for you. We have used the H2O2 this way for many years. I have a fountain and it keeps it clean smelling and tasting.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
I did do research. Didn't you read about the other person who who used HP and their symptoms got worse. It was posted yesterday. I gave it to my son and he got weird reactions. Read the post below this. I also do not usually drink Hydrochloric Acid either. :>))
Re\Raw milk, etc.
I would counsel anyone who makes HEAVY use f dairy to look at the ayurvedic perspective, which, in a nutshell, is that dairy is good, but in moderation, and depending on one's body type and imbalances. It also recommends BOILING milk and the use of certain spices in conjunction with it for maximum digestibilty and value. You can probably find some material on it at
Re\Raw milk
Someone mentioned they drink a half gallon of milk a day. Raw milk is much better than store bought milk. A half gallon may be okay for a person who can digest that much and is healthy. For someone who has cancer, that is too much. Too much protein can cause cancer. What do they give growing children? Protein and milk. They cause things to grow including cancer. Moderation is the key. Cancer patients need protein so they will not be depleted but a half gallon is way too much for cancer patients. GB
Re: Re\Raw milk
Dear Guru, That is far too much milk for anyone. In fact, cow's or goat's milk is not necessary for anyone who has access to fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds and good oils. Animal protein is NOT necessary to eat in order to "get your protein." That is a myth. One might want to take some B12 if one is eating no animal protein, but otherwise, one is fine eating vegan. Best wishes,
Raw milk/Colostrum
I am now so confused. We used to take raw goats milk. I have read in another yahoo group that raw milk causes mucous and cancer feeds on mucous. However, i have read that raw goat's milk does not cause mucous. Any input from anyone out there please? Thanks. Melly
Raw milk/Colostrum
Clean, Raw goat's milk is by far the "best" milk one can drink. I drank it for a while when I was getting rid of a heartburn problem. But I do not drink it now because it is unnecessary and because I believe, from my reading and research, that eating animal protein, including milk, is linked to cancer and degenerative dis-ease. Raw goat milk tends to be expensive, too, because of the restrictions from the "health police." So why have it in your diet if it is not needed, and if it is linked to degenerative dis-ease? Best wishes, Elliot
Re: Raw milk/Colostrum
Milk or dairy of anykind raw or pasterized was intended for baby cows, not human. or Another good book to read on milk dairy protein would be the china study by campbell. Milk causes a host of problems, get your vitimin d from the sun, Just my two cents worth
Re: Raw milk/Colostrum
Melly, Goat's milk is closer to human milk. If someone is going to drink milk, goat's milk is the better alternative, so they say. ar
Re: Re\Raw milk, etc.
After trying it on and off for 2 years, I am thoroughly convinced that milk is mucus-forming for me, and I have read over and over again in many different places that it is mucus-forming for a great many people. Then, too, in the experiments with aflatoxin, Campbell used MILK protein: casein, which is the main ingredient in many glue products.
Best wishes,
More facts about milk for children
Cow's milk is the number one source of allergies in children, and research links consumption of dairy products, including cow's milk, to colic (stomach cramps), autism, chronic ear infections, insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 or "juvenile-onset" diabetes), acne, obesity, flatulence, constipation, mucus, and a variety of other ailments. In his world-famous book Baby and Child Care, Dr. Benjamin Spock wrote, "I no longer recommend dairy products. . The essential fats that are needed for brain development are found in vegetable oils. Milk is very low in these essential fats and high in the saturated fats that encourage artery blockage and weight problems as children grow."
According to Michael Klaper, M.D., nutritional expert and author of Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet: "Humans are the only creatures that drink milk from the mother of another species. It's as unnatural for a child to drink the milk of a cow as it is for a dog to nurse from a giraffe! Human children have no nutritional requirements for cow's milk and grow up healthy and strong without it. Cow's milk and the products made from it are laced with foreign, frequently allergy-inciting bovine protein and often contain hydrocarbon pesticides and other chemical contaminants, as well as health-endangering saturated fat. Clinical experience suggests that cow's milk is linked to numerous common health problems (runny noses, allergies, ear infections, recurrent bronchitis, asthma, etc.) that often keep people returning to their doctors' offices instead of to their jobs or classrooms. Parents should feel good about giving their children the many nutritious, tasty alternatives to dairy products instead."
Re: More facts about milk for children
For those who are allergic to cow's milk might I suggest Transfer Factor?
On milk
By far, the best milk for people with cancer is raw human milk. I drank milk from a donor for 3-4 months, off and on, 2-4 oz., and it raised my immunoglobulins. Here is info about fighting cancer with human milk:
And here's a short video on a man who is now cancer-free and drinks breast milk:
Re: Re\Raw milk
Hi Elliot,
I respect the fact that you do well on a vegan diet, but there are a whole lot of people where that is not true. Many people have tried to stick with such a diet up to the point of death and perhaps beyond. There are different metabolic types. A vegan diet can be very healing in the short term, especially when someone has been eating too much animal protein. What I recommend is listening to your body. Maybe someone can get by with eating animal protein once a week or once a month, others feel better when they have it every day.
Look up metabolic types.
Re: Raw milk/Colostrum
Thanks to everyone who responded on raw goat's milk. I will only take if really really needed. Natural standard is selling a book covering different approaches to healing including herbals. They have a downloadable excerpts of their book and it showed a research doe in India on ascorbic acid vs. cooking herbs. Caraway, dill, fenugreek, and some others beat ascorbic acid as antioxidant. Caraway was number one, followed by dill. Water extract was used mixed with other formulas.
Raw milk/Colostrum Melly I think this depends on the person. Some people can handle milk just fine. Others do not do so well. Milk can cause mucous. The amount depends on the person's metabolism and other factors. I am not a big fan of soy though. Most soy products including soy milk are not processed like they were in ancient times. The best way to take soy is to ferment it like tempeh or natto. One can also put lemon juice or vinegar on it to marinade it.
As far as milk goes, a half gallon is way to much for anyone though. There are many drinks that are medicinal and taste great made with milk like Yogi Tea and Golden Milk. This is a warm milk made of milk, turmeric, nutmeg, almond oil and honey.
Raw milk/Colostrum
We do need a certain amount of mucous. However, most people have an overabundance of mucous.Athletes in particular need it for heavy breathing.
Re: Paw Paw report
He took 500 mg Vitamin C and 400 MG natural vitamin E.
Re: Paw Paw report 0-PSA?
Thanks Joe. So should he be satisfied with the PSA at 3 now? If he visits a urologist and will not have a biopsy done, then what can he offer him aside from scaring him out of his wits as his internist did? Maybe he should find a urologist who does colored ultrasound/sonogram.
posted by BNB @ 2:48 AM |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 |
Paw Paw report |
Paw Paw report
I know of someone who takes graviola a close relative of pawpaw (pawpaw with double ring, stronger; graviola single ring, weaker) for prostate issues together with pau d arco tincture, vitamins C, E, multi vit, B complex, calcium. magnesium, L-lysine, and lipitor plus herbal teas, cinnamon, turmeric, virgin coconut oil.
He just added a few days ago Silymarin known to be great for prostate. So far according to him, his PSA blood test which was originally 6 has slowly come down to 5 after 1-1/2 mos and now is just 3 after another 1-1/2 months, a total of 3 months. He intends to get another test by mid December. He used to take saw palmetto but his doc told him that gives false PSA readings hence, the switch to silymarin. Hope the reading still goes down without the saw palmentto to indicate healing.
His big problem is his doc insists on him seeing a urologist and have a biopsy done. He doesn't want that. He might go for colored ultrasound/sonogram, which if properly done can show if there is cancer in the entire prostate. But will first wait the result of the December test. If down to 0 or close to 0 i told him to still have the colored ultrasound just to make
Bottom line is yes, acetogenins from annonacea family can help ... even if taken with other supplements. Of course lots of fruits, wheatgrass and drumstick leaves juice, vegetables, no red meats... he eats seafoods and organic farm raised chicken as well as organic omega 3 eggs. He also eats chia seeds with avocado for breakfast every single day.
Re: Paw Paw report
When you say he takes Vitamine C and E, I belive the dosage won't be lower than 1g per day. I heard it is not good to take high dosages or Vitamine C and E. Your message makes me feel it is not an issue. Isn't it?
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
For what it's worth, I have seen lymphoma and terminal lung cancer respond (as in "cured") to Flor-Essence brand of Essiac tea. It has helped those we have seen take it.
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
do you mean the ready made Flor-Essence in liquid form that you get in the health shops? is that what you have seen results with?
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
John -
Who are you referring to when you say "we" please?
Thank you,
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
They used the tea packets, the package that had three packets in a box, and then made it at home.
Re: Flor-Essence Essiac Tea
We, as in my wife and I, and those that used it. jp
Re: Paw Paw report 0-PSA?
Selecting 0 or close to zero PSA is problematic. The PSA is now looked upon in some medical circles as almost useless. Of course if one's PSA is continually rising something is amiss.
I was originally diagnosed with a 7.3 PSA and shuffled off to a Urologist that admitted "you know as much about the Prostate was we do"...........and he continued, "we selected the number 4 as a guide because we needed to start somewhere and therein is the science behind having a PSA below 4. Some circles have decided the number should be below 3 and in doing so have reaped the benefit of untold numbers of biopsies that were not warranted.
My PSA has gone from that original 7.3 to as high as 10 something and back and forth with it around 6 right now.
This roller coaster has been going on for 10 years. We know that most men have an increased PSA level as they age. I never allow a biopsy, however, they did one five years ago when dealing with a bladder tumor. I did not know they were going to biopsy the prostate but they did. A biopsy presents the risk of 'seeding' the cancer cells and my Urologist admitted that when I raised the issue. Instead of possibly having a cancer contained within the Prostate and which might never kill a person, we run the risk of it spreading beyond the prostate and then what to do?
My Urologist has learned to stop pushing for the biopsy of the Prostate and also a CT-Scan of the entire system.
My comment is this. Why strive for a PSA of Zero or near Zero that almost nobody has except those immediately after prostate surgery?
Joe C.
Dr Carey Reams, urine testing - choose life or death
I thought people may be interested in this website: its based on the practices of Dr Carey Reams and Dr Alexander Beddoe. Dr Reams was sent to prison because his book "choose life or death" claimed he may have found the cure for cancer and other diseases.
Is this a portrait of the American of the Future?
Surely not. But if Big Pharma has its way, it is! Let's spread the word
on REAL health and flush the pills and capsules!
Kristie, I'm praying that your Dad will be completely healed! The Flaxseed oil and juicing is all good for your Dad. I'm on this group too. I feel that this is the best way to go. Keep the faith, the Lord is GOOD!
Hugs, Barbara
Hi Kristie: Hoping and praying for your father. I currently have a friend who has NHL and she went to the Cancer Center of America in PA and now she is in a New York hospital that said they didn't handle her case very well. I am not aware of the details other than that, but I do know that you can't depend on the staff for suggestions of alternative armed there. But on the flip side, they are an army of people who pray.
Warm regards, Carol
Dear Kristie:
I will join everyone in prayingfor your dad.
Just make sure that he does enemas as well to rid the body of the toxins which will be released through the protocol. I had ( have?) NHL and I credit protocol plus enemas in making the nodes go away.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
Personally, I would not use hydrogen peroxide internally at all. If you put a drop on your skin it will turn white. What do you think it will do to your internal organs? If you want oxygen, then breathe it from the air. Do pranayams like oxygen was meant to do.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
Obviously you have not done any research on the great benefits of taking it internally. It is a great parasite, fungus killer. Taken internally you can get rid of warts. I have seen a friend do this. Food grade H20@ is very good but you do have to dilute it properly. Do your research. Do you know that Hydrochloric acid will also burn a hole in the skin but it is very important in the stomach for digestion.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
The hydrogen peroxide didn't bother me as I was swallowing it (a few drops diluted in a full glass of water). However, I would soon develop a cough that persisted as long as I was using the HP, and it didn't subside until several days after finally quitting the HP.
I also happened to have a chest x-ray during the time I was using it, and the x-ray showed a mysterious haziness that the technicians and doctors couldn't explain. I think it was caused by the hydrogen peroxide.
There are other ways to get the oxygen in your system, and there are other ways to adjust your pH (the hydrogen peroxide does both at once, conveniently). Wanda
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Hi Gang, Wanted to wish everyone a blessed thanksgiving with loved ones. Enjoy the day, nothing wrong with going off ones regular meal plan a few times a year. Dont feel guilty in the least. My wife asked me if i planned on eating turkey I said no I promised myself one year without meat so personally I will obstain. I look at it as a addition, one cigarette wont hurt will it? But plenty of great food to partake in.
For years I lived to eat, to the point I made myself almost sick on Holidays. I will eat plenty of great foods, and my wife has made some homemade pumpkin pie with crust wheat and yeast free. Homemade mashed potatos! Fresh green beans, fresh salads. sqash our of the garden. Life is good. I am thankful for everyone that shares here, as I learn alot each day from all of you. May God continue to bless us all Mike
P.s Dont forget those less fornuate in homeless shelters etc, please donate to your local food banks..
Re\Raw milk
Someone mentioned they drink a half gallon of milk a day. Raw milk is much better than store bought milk. A half gallon may be okay for a person who can digest that much and is healthy. For someone who has cancer, that is too much. Too much protein can cause cancer. What do they give growing children? Protein and milk. They cause things to grow including cancer. Moderation is the key. Cancer patients need protein so they will not be depleted but a half gallon is way too much for cancer patients.
Re: Re\Raw milk
Dear Guru,
That is far too much milk for anyone. In fact, cow's or goat's milk is not necessary for anyone who has access to fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds and good oils. Animal protein is NOT necessary to eat in order to "get your protein." That is a myth. One might want to take some B12 if one is eating no animal protein, but otherwise, one is fine eating vegan.
Best wishes,
News about Black Cohosh
There is a link to info that Black Cohosh can help for breast cancer. As far as I know it look like as estrogen but why it can help I don`t know.
liz utm_source=breakingnews20071121&utm_medium=email&utm_content=headline21 96&utm_campaign=email_blast&page=LIST&ProdID=2196&zTYPE=2
Raw milk/Colostrum
I am now so confused. We used to take raw goats milk. I have read in another yahoo group that raw milk causes mucous and cancer feeds on mucous. However, i have read that raw goat's milk does not cause mucous. Any input from anyone out there please?
Raw milk/Colostrum
Clean, Raw goat's milk is by far the "best" milk one can drink. I drank it for a while when I was getting rid of a heartburn problem. But I do not drink it now because it is unnecessary and because I believe, from my reading and research, that eating animal protein, including milk, is linked to cancer and degenerative dis-ease. Raw goat milk tends to be expensive, too, because of the restrictions from the "health police." So why have it in your diet if it is not needed, and if it is linked to degenerative dis-ease?
Best wishes,
Re: Raw milk/Colostrum
Milk or dairy of anykind raw or pasterized was intended for baby cows, not human. or Another good book to read on milk dairy protein would be the china study by campbell. Milk causes a host of problems, get your vitimin d from the sun, Just my two cents worth
Re: Raw milk/Colostrum
Goat's milk is closer to human milk. If someone is going to drink milk, goat's milk is the better alternative, so they say.
posted by BNB @ 1:55 PM |
You just got my prayers.. Dad has probably already figured out his plan of action with the help of a smart family and prayer. Let us know about your miracle!! I suspect it is already happening. Bless your heart Kristie!!
kristie i'll pray for your dad today and i hope he recovers.. i'm wondering if you would like to try a little echinacea? it will help him recover from the flu-like symptoms.
Re: cannabis for breast cancer
In fact, more and more serious publications are coming out on CBD interest. As a member of medical cannabis, we are developing a soft formulation of hemp oil with certified level of CBD. This is at least very interesting for inflammatory diseases.
posted by BNB @ 2:56 AM |
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 |
Validation of "Rife" in Physics Today - Electric Fields as a can |
Validation of "Rife" in Physics Today - Electric Fields as a cancer
The August 2007 issue of the Physics Today magazine - the journal of the American Physical Society (which virtually all plasma physicists belong to) has an article: (Volume 60 issue 8)
"Electric fields have potential as a cancer treatment"
The paper, from research in Israel, describes using a 1 to 2 volts per centimeter field of directionally alternating energy at 200khz to disrupt the cell division of brain cancer cells. No effects were found in normal cells, but the electrical field hinders the formation of the mitotic spindle, resulting in cancer cell disintegration rather than division.
Cleveland Clinic finds that fields as low as 50 hz have the same effect. This could be the basis of what "Rife Energy" does.
Dave Felt
Re: Validation of "Rife" in Physics Today - Electric Fields as a can
Interesting, Dave.
The "directionally alternating energy" description makes me think of the GEIPE treatment I tried doing on the tumors in my neck a year or so ago. It involved using a battery charger and needles, and was too difficult to manage on my own for any significant length of time, but I did feel that while I was doing it, the tumors shrank slightly and certainly did not grow. Looks promising. Thanks for posting this.
Re: MMS Mineral Supplement
I have used MMS. I built up slowly from 2 drops per day to 30 - and have tapered off to about 10 drops per day in a squeeze of lemon juice.
The effects - no ill health. No diarrhoea but lots of stinky farts! Sleep very deeply and it seems to be beneficial to my gums but hasn't cured anything.
Re: Cancer Research
Dr. Nina Silver's Rife Handbook is one of the better alternative texts if one is looking at frequency energy for health benefits. The newer edition, due out next summer/fall (we hope) is considerably expanded. The web site below also has lots and lots of information and links to frequency-related health sites.
Additionally, a consumer-level paper published in the August 2007 Physics Today Journal (Journal of the American Physical Society) by some researchers in Israel concerns using a low-level 100 khz alternating electrical field to successfully disrupt the cell division of brain cancer, with virtually no negative effects on other cells. This may be the key to the entire "frequency energy" alternative methodology. In the initial trials, several patients had complete remissions.
Dave Felt
deberhardt85 wrote: Hello, I am a nursing student located in Northeast Ohio. I'm doing a research project on cancer and cancer related disorders, medicinal treatment, and alternative treatments. Included in my research project is contacting an email listing for assistance. Is there a helpful resource such as a book, web site, or recently published papers regarding this topic? Who has published the best book(s) on this topic? Thank you for your time I look forward to your results.
Re: Cancer Research
There is a huge wealth of information on this board about different alternatives and I think some websites are mentioned fairly often. There is no one book that will give you the answers. That said, some sources like Ralph Moss, or are well known and comprehensive in scope. Some other well known and discussed alternatives are Budwig, Gerson, enzyme therapy just to name a few. What is the focus of your research?
deberhardt85 wrote: Hello, I am a nursing student located in Northeast Ohio. I'm doing a research project on cancer and cancer related disorders, medicinal treatment, and alternative treatments. Included in my research project is contacting an email listing for assistance. Is there a helpful resource such as a book, web site, or recently published papers regarding this topic? Who has published the best book(s) on this topic? Thank you for your time I look forward to your results.
Re: Cancer Research
Does anyone have information for a cure for Polycythemia Vera ? your help is appreciated.
Re: Cancer Research
Hi, Of course there are a great many. A very impressive starting point in my opinion would be this one:
The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. "Researching alternative cancer treatments for advanced cancer patients" www.
Polycythemia / was: Cancer Research
Do you have polycythemia "vera" or "secondary"?
There really is nothing that works well. I have been fighting poly secondary for a while now and I can keep it down to a couple of blood draws every 5 or 6 months, but that is as good as I have been able to do. If you find anything that works, PLEASE drop a line.
There are some Chinese herbals that show promise and I am currently studying them, but as of yet, they have not stopped it either. I cannot honestly tell if they have really helped.
Bruce Guilmette, Ph.D. author: There's More To Life Than Just Living
Does anyone have information for a cure for Polycythemia Vera ? your help is appreciated.
[Moderator's note: Definition-Polycythemia vera is an abnormal increase in blood cells (primarily red blood cells) due to excess production of the cells by the bone marrow. It is an acquired disorder of the bone marrow that causes the overproduction of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. It is a rare disease that occurs more frequently in men than women, and rarely in patients under age 40. The exact cause is unknown.]
cannabis for breast cancer
Cannabis compound 'halts cancer'
A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe. The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy.
Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports. The authors stressed that they were not suggesting patients smoke marijuana.
They added that it would be highly unlikely that effective concentrations of CBD could be reached by smoking cannabis.
CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called Id-1 which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumour site - a process called metastasis.
Past work has shown CBD can block aggressive human brain cancers.
The latest work found CBD appeared to have a similar effect on breast cancer cells in the lab.
Lead researcher Dr Sean McAllister said: "Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer.
"Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients.
"This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects."
Dr Joanna Owens of Cancer Research UK said: "This research is at a very early stage.
"The findings will need to be followed up with clinical trials in humans to see if the CBD is safe, and whether the beneficial effects can be replicated. "Several cancer drugs based on plant chemicals are already used widely, such as vincristine - which is derived from a type of flower called Madagascar Periwinkle and is used to treat breast and lung cancer. It will be interesting to see whether CBD will join them."
Maria Leadbeater of Breast Cancer Care said: "Many people experience side-effects while having chemotherapy, such as nausea and an increased risk of infection, which can take both a physical and emotional toll.
"Any drug that has fewer side-effects will, of course, be of great interest."
But she added: "It is clear that much more research needs to be carried out."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Re: cannabis for breast cancer
This is an interesting concept. Will a skilled scientist be able to extract this element in Cannabis easily enough to do some of their own trials?
As for the list? I cannot get past Budwig or LDN and a host of 'hot-shot' posters that seem to have taken over.
I hope the Center is getting action where needed.
My best to all,
Joe C.
Re: cannabis for breast cancer
It has been Tested in vivo on GBM tumors with great success! Supposedly works better in cancers that warrant Avastin than Avastin itself.....Cannibas is largely anti-angiogenic
Re: cannabis for breast cancer
It would be nice if it were possible, but "a skilled scientist" cannot afford to do his or her "own trials." Not any trials that anyone who matters would pay attention to. Jerry McLaughlin, inventor of Paw Paw extract, was told that Paw Paw would not be taken seriously unless he ran a double blind study with 3,000 participants. But he will never be able to pay for or to organize such a study. Only Big Pharma can manage that, of course.
I think it is a good thing, by the way, to see all these new people posting messages to the board, and I don't see that everything is about LDN or Budwig. ??? [as Joe suggested]
Best wishes,
Paw Paw report
For anyone using Paw Paw or wanting to try it, here is the response I got from the PawPaw research people. "No there is not an issue; please see the information on the site regarding this."
in response to my question:
"I am interested in trying paw paw for cancer. I am also taking iv vitamin c twice per week and 10 grams orally each day. Would there be a compatibility problem taking both together? With other supplements like alpha lipoic acid?"
Looks like they confirm that antioxidants arent a problem and in fact show increased effect together with PawPaw.
dwntwngrl2 wrote:After I posted, I listened to Dr McLaughlin talk about using paw paw with antioxidants and he said they are synergistic & increase effectiveness.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hi Brandon, I personally know someone who cured his pancreatic cancer 7 years ago using only 3 things:
1) food grade hydrogen peroxide (I think about 20 drops 3x a day, working slowly up to that amount. He put it in tomato juice.)
2) Cantron, available online (google it)
3) Liquid trace minerals
He is (and was) diabetic, and made no adjustments to his diet whatsoever. It took about 4 months for the cancer to go away.
I personally tried the same protocol, but was sensitive to the hydrogen peroxide and had to quit. I also quit the Cantron because I learned it conflicted with the Budwig Protocol, which I am also doing.
Good luck, Wanda
--------------------------------------------------- Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
personally tried the same protocol, but was sensitive to the hydrogen peroxide
What reaction did you have? If I used it to rinse my mouth I get a mouth full of blisters.
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
If you arre sensitive to Hyderogen Peroxide you should start with smaller dose may be one or two drops and slowly you will start accepting.
I have a friend who was having simmilar problem he was not able to accpet HP but now he is taking regularly. I personally do not have problem but I also take small qty as prevention.
Take care
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide?
I have used H202 IVs - and they were helpful at killing microbes - immediate diffrence noticed. But it's rough in the veins so I switched to IV C and that turns into H202 in teh body but has othe rbenefist and isnt so tough on the vascular.
Kumar Africa wrote: If you arre sensitive to Hyderogen Peroxide you should start with smaller dose may be one or two drops and slowly you will start accepting. I have a friend who was having simmilar problem he was not able to accept HP but now he is taking regularly. I personally do not have problem but I also take small qty as prevention.
Wonder how many of you are into blueberries along with your Budwig FO/CC mixture? Below are a few encouraging facts as an excerpt from a site on the role blueberries plays in our health betterment:
"Blueberries can help relieve both diarrhea and constipation. In addition to soluble and insoluble fiber, blueberries also contain tannins, which act as astringents in the digestive system to reduce inflammation. Blueberries also promote urinary tract health.
Blueberries contain the same compounds found in cranberries that help prevent or eliminate urinary tract infections. In order for bacteria to infect, they must first adhere to the mucosal lining of the urethra and bladder. Components found in cranberry and blueberry juice reduce the ability of E. coli, the bacteria that is the most common cause of urinary tract infections, to adhere."
Enjoy and Shalom, Bill in Cottonwood
Re: virus/fungus cures?
Try to use hyderogen peroxide externally and orally. For taking orally you have to start with 3 drops of 30% solution. I am sure you will get positive results.
Take care
From: Guru K Margie Have you tried pao d arco or oregano leaf? GB
margie.jeanne wrote: Does anyone know of a natural supplement that would rid me of virus and fungus that still lurks in my body? I have toenail fungus on two toes, and a papilloma virus/wart for the past 47 years on the bottom of my foot, and some recurrent seed warts. I think that getting rid of these might increase my chances of keeping my cancers at bay (I have had adrenal cortical carcinoma and thyroid cancer in the past two years, and the adrenal cancer was in my liver recently, but now appears to be regressing). Any ideas, please? Margie
Re: cannabis for breast cancer--Sorry
Was supposed to be a private post. Must have been a senior moment.
Joe C.
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules
breathedeepnow wrote: For my part, and in my experience, Noni is a JUICE, whether it is liquid or dried, and NO juice by itself is a "cure" for cancer. Don't be taken in by any hype about noni, goji, pomegranate or other juice sellers. Those juices may be good when taken along with many other things, but they are NOT ANY kind of "cures" for cancer. Best wishes, Elliot
Yes indeed it would be amazing. What if you found a juice that the local folklore indicated it had been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Remember before we had the Doctors of today we used botanicals and herbs to cure ailments. Seems odd that we would doubt that botanicals could still help. But when sailors of yesteryear had scurvy and were told to eat a lime many of them scoffed at the idea. Nothing natural could cure this they said. People don't believe a naturally made substance can help or have any effect n them. The same people walk into Starbucks where you can get a triple espresso, made from a bean, I wonder if that natural item has any effect.
Yet people and science have already stated that many natural treatments help, with many things, which is why we have the controversy over things like medical marijuana. What about pain? My pain was relieved. By a juice. I no longer am addicted to ibuprofen, pain killers and muscle relaxants. I have seen the science as well. I can look it up online. I can see where this fruit juice was tested in a glass dish, where it showed to be more effective in killing more cancer cells than 5 commonly used chemo therapy drugs. But many will still say it's not possible, because they will associate it with orange juice.
But wait, didn't w determine many years ago that there were vitally healthy things in orange juice, things that help humans thrive? Why, when some of these Vital - Amines were discovered many scoffed. The term was later shorted to vitamins. Or is it just our own ignorance and inability to consider that maybe something can help? Look today. Look at the Oakland Press, where there is an article today about how this simple juice helped a MRSA patient that was told by Doctors that he had to take pills to keep it away...
"At one point, the doctor pulled me aside and said I need to take these high-powered pills and if I didn't the MRSA was going to come back," Knaus said.
Knaus said he is anti-drug and didn't want to take the drug prescribed to him by his doctors. He turned to the mangosteen juice instead. "I bought one bottle for about $40," Knaus said. "I took 9 ounces a day and (the infection) started to shrink. I ran out and got two more bottles, and after seven days it was gone. Everybody is telling me this MRSA is resistant and this juice makes it go away."
There's a lot going on. Make sure you look at it with your eyes open.
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules
So Elliot, Have you taken PAwPaw with positive results? Do/did you have cancer,and if so what kind? I just ordered some because of everything I have been reading. I have metastatic Inflammatory breast cancer to bones and liver. Theresa S.
Hello Everyone, My name is Kristie and I am from Alabama. I signed up for this group not too long back but I haven't posted anything until now. I do read the posts every day and say a prayer for you all. I wanted to write and ask you all to pray for my Dad, Danny Turner. He is 59 years old and on October 22nd, 2007, he was diagnosed with a malignant lung tumor on the upper lobe of his left lung with some spreading to a lymph node on his neck.
After his diagnosis, I began researching online for things that would help him. He started the Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese as well as juicing carrots, etc. He has had alot of people praying for him also. Dad went to the cancer doctor Thursday, November 8th to find out what they were going to do for him.
The doctor checked the spot on his neck again and was amazed at how it has gone down. The amazing thing is that Dad has NOT began any treatments other than prayer and the things I mentioned above. God is good and gets the praise, for he is the Great Physician. For some reason, Dad has been sick since this past Wednesday. Before then, you would have never known anything was wrong with him. He said it feels like a bad cold/flu to him. He has been mostly resting because it has got him fatigued and hasn't had much of an appetite but has ate a little bit.
He has been having pain all over, maybe body aches if it is the flu. He went to his regular doctor Friday but she said it might be that he overdone himself the week before rebuilding the motor of his truck. But since that visit, he has had a fever so I doubt it is that. His doctor was just going by what he told her his symptoms was and at that time he didn't have a fever. I asked him if he wanted some of us to take him back to the doctor so she could do tests to see what it was but he said he didn't feel like it today. I know he needs some nutrients, so I bought him some Glucerna. I knew he didn't need Ensure because of all the sugar, so I
chose Glucerna because it is for diabetics. As far as his cancer goes, I wish he would go to The Cancer Treatment Center Of America. He is kindly hard-headed so I'm not sure if he will. Like I said he hasn't started any treatments yet, but something has got him down sick. The cancer doctor has not even told us what type or stage his cancer is. All we know is that it is a malignant turmor with some spreading. Today, when I saw him, he said that the spot on his neck was almost gone and when the church prayed for him the last time, he could feel God's Annointing. Please Pray for him. GOD is still in control and nothing is too big for him to handle. Sickness cannot live in the presence of God. Thank You all and you all are in my prayers. Kristie |
posted by BNB @ 10:19 PM |
Hydrogen Peroxide? |
Has anyone really experienced results using the hydrogen peroxide (food grade) with treating cancer. My mother was gung ho about using it, but my sister brought her some information from the net advising against its use. Can I get some feedback? Has anyone tried Raw Milk? Brandon -----------------------------------------------
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide? I too have heard some negative things about Hydrogen Peroxide such as that it increases free radicals..i don't know if that's true but because of this i decided not to use it.. -----------------------------------------------
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide? There are at the moment contraditions on hydrogen peroxide. Try Chlorella and Zell oxygen they bring oxygen to the tumour. Also oxigenotherapy do it too. Has anyone really experienced results using the hydrogen peroxide (food grade) with treating cancer. My mother was gung ho about using it, but my sister brought her some information from the net advising against its use. Can I get some feedback? Has anyone tried Raw Milk?Brandon -----------------------------------------------
Re: Hydrogen Peroxide? You can simply add it to bath water, in ever increasing amounts, and it is excellent for teeth. (Use 3%) Hospital Santa Monica in Mexico used it on cancer. Google it. They inject it, with some success. If the percentage is too high, it WILL kill the patient. Don't know that I would trust them, but the ideas are sound. Please note that treatments offered by Centro de Atencion Integral may not be approved by the U.S. FDA or AMA, however many of the treatments have been widely researched and are offered in medical facilities in Europe and Asia. Nothing wrong outsourcing Wellness.. Mexico does lack cleanliness, so Europe would be a much better choice, but useful to research possibilities before going to Europe. Dennis -----------------------------------------------
Re: Austrian doctor I do not have any first hand info about this doctor, but Lothar Hirneise wrote his personal opinion about him. Dr. Klehr is considered a charlatan in many circles in germany. Hirneise has been in his Munich lab several times and examined his documented cases. Dr. Klehr showed him multiple cases in which a protracted stabilization phase could be seen. Dr. Klehr's therapy has the objective of changing a portion of the cells of the patient's own blood in the lab, in such a manner that when the removed blood is returned to the body, a defense reaction occurs in order to destroy the tumor. The therapy is expensive, approximately 3 months for 2.300 euro. carla -----------------------------------------------
Freeze Dried Noni Capsules a book on cancer mentioned freeze dried noni capsules as effective for many regressing many tumours.. this book kept referring to a particular brand of these noni capsules from a company called American Nutriceuticals.. my google search doesn't come up with any such company and i'm mystified has anyone here heard anything about this? or tried noni for their cancer? -----------------------------------------------
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules Hi. For my part, and in my experience, Noni is a JUICE, whether it is liquid or dried, and NO juice by itself is a "cure" for cancer. Don't be taken in by any hype about noni, goji, pomegranate or other juice sellers. Those juices may be good when taken along with many other things, but they are NOT ANY kind of "cures" for cancer. Best wishes, Elliot John 3:16 -----------------------------------------------
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules Hello Elliot, Most products sold in the States are adulterated and sweetened for Noni but the pure form is from the Noni proper... It is not adulterated and tastes awful. I used the unadulterated form just like some here take Paw paw which is a fruit also. So in the States the sweetened form is adulturated and called Juice also. I just used the word to state the liquid form which is 100% pure. Example of this is Tahitian NONI. Which is a marketing version of pure Noni juice and sweetened to make it more easy to swallow. Flavoring is added and fruit flavors. It is noted: the sweetened version should not be use for it's effects will be non effective. ONLY PURE NONI should be taken. Also it is sold pure in capsule freeze dried 100 % in 500mg. capsules. If you say all juice products are just that ineffective then a discussion about paw paw in capsule is the same format. Noni is dried the same way. Dee -----------------------------------------------
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules Not at all, Dee. If you are taking Noni thinking you are getting the same benefit as Paw Paw, then you need to think again. There is a HUGE difference between the two. Unadultarated/adulterated, it does not matter. The research is there to show that Paw Paw kills cancer cells. I do not see that with Noni. And also, Paw Paw does not cost an arm and a leg the way Noni does. Why would you take Noni juice, which tastes awful, and which does not have the same effect at Paw Paw, when you can take Paw Paw? Makes no sense to me. Elliot -----------------------------------------------
Re: Freeze Dried Noni Capsules Elliot, I am not talking about effectiveness as "nothing has been proven' on either accounts and those who swear by noni and those who swear by Paw paw have their own accounts of effects. Both are still considered alternative... I am just saying both are fruit and derived from fruits... that is all. Both are fruits... and both have claims to benefits... that is all... nothing further..... I have heard both "camps" claim benefits and both are fruits. Pawpaw (Asimina) is a genus of eight or nine species of small trees with large leaves and fruit, native to eastern North America. The genus includes the largest edible fruit indigenous to the continent. They are understory trees found in deep fertile bottomland and hilly upland habitat. Pawpaw is in the same family (Annonaceae) as the custard-apple, cherimoya, sweetsop, and soursop, and it is the only member of that family not confined to the tropics. Nothing wrong with Paw paw and nothing wrong with Noni but both are fruits and extracts from fruits. Dee -----------------------------------------------
Flurry - Good News Hi, I wanted to share the good news with you. Flurry's lab test came back with no cancer cells. She first had spindle cell which I had surgically removed. Then on her back leg, up popped another spindle cell and a hard fibrosarcoma. I used the black salve from Kathryn and we got the big crater which Flurry kept chomping at...then I began using Dr. Fox's Neoplastine to keep the sore moist. Today the vet gave the go ahead to let the open wound heal. Flurry will probably be on oral Neo for the rest of her life..which we hope is a long one. If this is not something to be thankful for this season, I don't know what is! Best, Shelley -----------------------------------------------
Individuals With Liver Cancer... Well, well, well here!!! And how about the cost??? Nexavar, marketed by Onyx (NASDAQ: ONXX) partner Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc., already is approved in more than 60 countries as a kidney cancer treatment. But the tablets are the first systemic therapy for liver cancer, giving Onyx/Bayer at least two years head start on potential competitors. Liver cancer is the sixth-most common cancer, killing about 600,000 people annually. More than half of those deaths are in China, where Onyx is performing additional trials. The drug is also is undergoing further tests in Japan. Nexavar's use against liver cancer was approved by European regulators last month. Also last month, Emeryville-based Onyx reported its first quarterly profit on the strength of off-label sales of Nexavar for liver cancer. That was based largely on data that Onyx reported in June that said Nexavar extended the life of patients in a clinical trial three months longer than for those on a placebo. The tablet, which costs about $4,700 a month, is taken twice in the morning and twice at night. -----------------------------------------------
Re: Individuals With Liver Cancer... does anyone understand economics???? $4700 a month for 3 months extended over placebo. placebo, your mind at work over your bodies rebellion. translates to over $14000 for 3 months. give me a break. health care in the states especially re cancer, is the biggest ripoff, compared to alternatives. nofrillsbill wrote: Well, well, well here!!! And how about the cost??? -----------------------------------------------
Re: Individuals With Liver Cancer... How about the side-effects? Hypertension, Leukopenia, Mouth Sores, Gastric Reflux, Dyspepsia, Fatigue, Weight Loss, Rash, Eczema, Hives, Hand/Foot Skin Reaction, Hair Loss, Itchy, Dry Skin, Diarrhea, Nausea, Depression, Ringing In Ears, Anorexia, Vomiting, Constipation, Hemmorhage(all sites), Neuropathy, Abdomenal Pain, Joint Pain, Bone Pain, Muscle Pain, Headache, Trouble Breathing, Coughing, and possible brain hemorrhage, heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia, thromboembolism, acute renal failure. See: Thanks for making us aware of this modern medical miracle, Bill! What an assortment of delightful ways to spend those "extra 3 months"! And at a cost of only $14,100 dollars, too! Wouldn't it be something if this "Nexavar" was a chemotherapy drug that did NOT beat the liver to pieces? But surprise---it's NOT and it DOES! Can't beat it! Best wishes, Elliot -----------------------------------------------
Cancer Research Hello, I am a nursing student located in Northeast Ohio. I'm doing a research project on cancer and cancer related disorders, medicinal treatment, and alternative treatments. Included in my research project is contacting an email listing for assistance. Is there a helpful resource such as a book, web site, or recently published papers regarding this topic? Who has published the best book(s) on this topic? Thank you for your time I look forward to your results. |
posted by BNB @ 3:07 AM |
Monday, November 19, 2007 |
Risky devices found in Issaquah, Bellevue |
Don't worry' I'll keep write for you. -
Risky devices found in Issaquah, Bellevue Seattle Times - to treat pulled muscles and sprains as well as on a patient from Eastern Washington who was hoping to stop her cancer from Golob said many of his clients had been referred by his friend, Barbara Setters, who ran the PAP-IMI Pain Relief Clinic in a
posted by BNB @ 10:00 PM |
Are Your Searching For Gall Bladder Pain Relief? |
Most gall bladder pain is the result of inflammation, infections or stones. The gall bladder is a tiny organ situated above the liver. The bile, which is produced by the gall bladder, helps in digestion of food – particularly in breaking down ingested fats. The bile assists the absorption of a number of vitamins (all fat-soluble), i.e. K, A, D and E. What Happens When The Gall Bladder Malfunctions?When the gall bladder malfunctions, the first thing that you will find affected is digestion. When indigestion due to gall bladder problems occurs, besides nausea and vomiting, you will also experience acute pain in the right side of your abdomen, which gradually will spread to the lower back. Sometimes, this is accompanied by fever, severe gas and heartburn symptoms, diarrhea, abdominal bloating and jaundice. Some people reach out for antacids and painkillers for instant gall bladder pain relief. However, this is one of the worst possible ways to achieve gall bladder pain relief. The moment you think that the pain you are feeling is caused by the gallbladder, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment and the consequent gall bladder pain relief medication would be able to cure the underlying problem and get you rid of the pain forever. It has been observed that more than fifteen percent of adults develop gall bladder stones by the time they have completed the age of 50. This shows how common gall bladder stones are, and how dangerous it is to ignore the pain when it does occur. One should always bear in mind that gall bladder pain relief medication has to go hand in hand with the treatment of the cause of the pain. Since the gall bladder assists the liver in food digestion, any drug abuse when it malfunctions may affect the liver drastically, too. Hence, you should be very careful when you feel you are experiencing gall bladder pain. In case of stones, an ultrasound test would always give you an accurate picture of how bad the stone formation is and their immediate removal would ensure you with permanent gall bladder pain relief. However, if you ignore the pain and use painkillers to fight it with, you might risk a burst duct or similar disasters, which might cost you your life. Are you really willing to take such a risk? Considering that pain is the alarm of the body, ensure that its remedy would mean the total cure of the underlying health problem it tries to point your attention to. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by BNB @ 6:47 PM |
Jane Brody: Chronic Pain Is A Burden Often Shared |
In the fact, I will keep write for you,.. -
Jane Brody: Chronic Pain Is A Burden Often Shared Fosters Daily Democrat - pain can also afflict family members and friends who feel helpless to provide relief. Failure to communicate honestly and openly can become a cancer on a relationship, be it with a spouse, parent or child. If chronic pain has disrupted family
Peppers to numb pain of surgery? Researchers test use of fiery Missoulian - Inc.’s operating-room experiments aren’t the only attempt to harness that burn for more focused pain relief. Iadarola and NIH colleagues hope to soon test a capsaicin cousin called resiniferatoxin in advanced cancer patients whose pain no
When Surgery Succeeds, But Healing Fails Time - And I'm likely to feel more than emotional pain — plenty of juries can be body, radiation, infection, enteritis (like Crohn's disease), neoplasm (cancer) or Along with relief, I now had another "D," Diabetes, to add to my non-healing mnemonic
posted by BNB @ 5:08 PM |
My recent medical "adventure" |
As some of you may know, I recently took a trip to Ireland for eight days. It was fabulous. However, on the way home, near the beginning of what, with stopover and delays, turned out to be a 10+ hour flight, I happened to develop a urinary tract obstruction -- Apparently, some age-related prostate enlargement had been sneaking up on me, plus there may have been some prostatitis from all the sitting around and retaining on the bus tour (as well as the relatively small but uncharacteristic amount of alcohol consumed on the trip), and it appears that some minor urinary tract infection may have caused a small blood clot that blocked the passageway from the bladder. By the time I managed to get to the ER in Chicago, it had been about 12 hours since I had been able to go to the bathroom. An interesting experience. Anyway, they catheterized me, which solved the immediate problem, and I went around with a tube sticking out of me and a bag strapped to my leg for several days (an interesting experience) until my followup appointment with the urologist. His assessment was that the prostate enlargement was the critical factor, and wanted to put me on drugs for it. He seemed displeased (and a bit nonplussed) when I declined.
I just couldn't live with myself on drugs; it would violate my Sacred Covenant with nature, not to mention the Hippocratic Oath ("First do no harm").
I started myself on a regimen of remedies which I had on hand: A saw palmetto/phytosterol complex from for the prostate, plus vitamin C, cranberry juice, grapefruit seed extract, and probiotics for any urinary tract issues -- and things are improving.
Also, I emailed a friend, who just happens to be a holistic MD (a good friend to have); his recommendations, which may be of interest, are as follows:
"My recommendation is to take New Chapter's Prostate 5LX one, twice daily to shrink the tissues and alleviate the symptoms. I would also start New Chapter's Zyflamend one, two to three times daily. Zyflamend is currently in phase two trials at Columbia [Univ.] in NY for the reversal of early prostate cancer. In phase one, it had about an 80% success rate of early reversal used alone at a tid dosage. It works by a different mechanism that 5LX to reduce the inflammatory component of all cancers. Our research at MD Anderson experimental cancer clinic show it to be 500 times more active in down regulating NFKappaB (the mother switch of all inflammation) than any known pharmaceutical. Amazing stuff. Once you are on both products, I doubt you will have additional problems. Should you ever need more focused advice I would contact Aaron Katz MD, lead researcher and director of the Columbia Holistic Urology clinic." [See: and ]
I plan to follow those recommendations; I may add anAyurvedic formula (Prostate Protection) from If anyone has any other suggestions, I would certainly be interested to hear them. I feel that my experience has been a gift: an opportunity to see how well I could do in a difficult situation, as well as, I believe, a reminder from nature to slow down and be more mindful, and to better appreciate my normal level of functioning (which is generally rather good for someone whose birthdate falls in 1946, or, for that matter, in ANY year). Also, it provided an opportunity to get to know my body better, and to experience the medical field first hand, something I hadn't done in a while. I was struck by the competency and caring of everyone I came into contact with. But, at the end of the day, they only know what they know, and, when choices are to be made, one can not delegate the responsibility.
So how was your week?
I thought I would introduce myself. Tom is my name and I have just recently diagnosed with primary liver cancer. My wife and I are gearing up for natural treatments so if you have any tips..they are welcome. Thanks Tom
Re: Introduction
Look into everything that builds your immune system. Paw Paw, colloidal silver, Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), pancreatic enzymes. Avoid radiation, including CT scans, radiation treatments and chemo therapy. These conventional things break down your immune system and weaken you. The opposite of what you want to do.
Re: Introduction
Go to:
Please be sure to read everything on this site AND watch the video's. I too am batteling liver cancer along with a couple of other cancers. This is the site which I have been following for the last 14 months. My numbers are all going in the right direction and I feel great.
Best wishes,
Re: Introduction
Dear Tom
Please use hyderogen Peroxide 30% medical grade 5 drops in glass of water. I am sure you will get good results. Also you can use Cow urine simultanously 2 spoons in water.
Take care
Re: Introduction
Kumar -
How often do you drink the HP and the cow's urine?
Re: silver colloid for ....virus/fungus cures? / pls note:
I have been taking Coltoildal silver (internally for over a year! ) For good quality, it is expensive at the health food I purchased a Coltoidal Silver Generator (make my own in twenty minutes) (under $100.00 ) from Health & Herb Remeedies 425 Jackson St. SE, Albany, OR. 97321 / (800 345 4152) _www.healthherbs.com_ ( Richard from NJ
What does one do for memory loss experienced after chemotherapy, commonly called "chemobrain"?
Specfic nutritional supplements? Anything else?
Thanks, Bill
Re: My recent medical "adventure"
Hi, Robert.
I certainly wish you the best with getting well alternatively.
About this:
"I just couldn't live with myself on drugs; it would violate my Sacred Covenant with nature, not to mention the Hippocratic Oath ("First do no harm")."
please note that the Original Hippocratic Oath actually read not "first do no harm," but rather "NEVER do harm to anyone," and also that it contained a phrase which said, "I will NEVER prescribe any deadly poison."
Perhaps if the Oath had been left the way it was, and had been obeyed, phsycians would never have begun using chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, all of which can certainly be harmful, and the first of which is certainly deadly poison, to try to "cure" cancer. And if they had not started using those things, perhaps they would have had to find natural things that actually WORKED.
Best wishes,
Re: virus/fungus cures?
Have you tried pao d arco or oregano leaf?
margie.jeanne wrote: Does anyone know of a natural supplement that would rid me of virus and fungus that still lurks in my body? I have toenail fungus on two toes, and a papilloma virus/wart for the past 47 years on the bottom of my foot, and some recurrent seed warts. I think that getting rid of these might increase my chances of keeping my cancers at bay (I have had adrenal cortical carcinoma and thyroid cancer in the past two years, and the adrenal cancer was in my liver recently, but now appears to be regressing). Any ideas, please? Margie
Re: virus/fungus cures?
Can you tell me if you bought the Australian Blue Cypress Oil in Australia or online?
Also when you say you used cotton do you mean cottonwool and did you have to take it internally every day?
Austrian doctor
Anyone ever heard of, or used the therapy of, Dr. Nicholaus Klehr of Austria? Supposedly, one woman with cll (chronic leukemia) has seen good results from his immunotherapy. He treats all cancers. Here is his on the American flag to view......... Ellen
Re: Austrian doctor
Thanks for the link Ellen. I wrote them for some specifics on the treatment they offer. I will pass on the info when I recieve a reply.
Cancer and Energy Healing
I am a Reiki practitioner and would like to investigate further on what benefits can someone with cancer get from an energy healing treatment.
I would therefore like to offer distant energy healings for free in exchange for objective (as much as one can be..) feedback on the sensations felt while receiving the healing and on results afterwards. I would like to have 2 volunteers, ideally. If interested please email me to jerome
If other people are interested in energy healing, I also do offer a first free distant healing.. to give you a chance to experience energy healing. To request this first free healing just email jerome More details about Energy Healing on
Thanks, Jerome
PS: you don't even need to believe in energy healing to benefit from it.
Ease and Dis-ease ~ A List
One of the reasons people get diagnosed with serious degenerative dis- eases is because they do not recognize that when they are violating various normal, healthful ways of eating, living and behaving, they are ALREADY suffering from "dis-ease," which means, simply, "a lack of ease."
As you see, I spell the word "disease" this way: "dis-ease," and I pronounce it NOT the way mainstreamers do, as in "duh-zeeze," which means nothing, but rather, "diss-eeze," which, as I have said, means "a lack of ease."
Here is a list of easeful and dis-eased behaviors:
Ease = regularly having lights out by or before 10:00 PM each night, and getting a good night's rest of an average of 8 hours, unless you are one of those rare people who can get by with 7 or less. Dis-ease = regularly staying up late and regularly getting less than 8 hours sleep per night
Ease = drinking AT LEAST 8 8-ounce glasses of pure water daily, and far more preferably 1/2 ounce of pure water per pound of body weight daily Dis-ease = drinking less than 8 8-ounce glasses of pure water daily, and substituting for the water "soft-drinks," coffee and milk, especially pasteurized, homogenized milk. Also, much available tap water = dis-ease
Ease = eating WHOLE, preferably organic, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and grains, as well as healthful oils. Ease also = eating plenty of raw foods Dis-ease = eating processed, refined foods and unhealthful oils
Ease = eating enough high bulk, low calorie whole foods that one has as many bowel movements a day as meals one eats. ("Two trains in, two trains out. Three trains in, three trains out.") Ease also = not having to strain when one has a bowel movement. Picture a horse---it just cocks its tail and out it comes, natural as rain. Dis-ease = constipation and straining to have a bowel movement
Ease = getting sufficient fresh air and sunshine daily Dis-ease = spending long hours indoors and very little time outside Ease = slow, deep, belly breathing Dis-ease = shallow, quick breathing from one's upper chest
Ease = regular, daily, moderate exercise at least 5 days a week Dis-ease = lack of regular, moderate exercise
Ease = lack of emotional conflict, being able to forgive wrongs, taking plenty of opportunity to laugh, at oneself and at life in general
Dis-ease = emotional strife, lack of forgiveness, taking oneself and life too seriously
Ease = getting into one's system any macro or micro-nutrients commonly known to be lacking in many people, such as selenium, magnesium, etc.
Dis-ease = being deficient in selenium, magnesium, etc.
It appears to be a solid FACT that if a person is able to put him or herself in the EASE category for the above list that his/her chances of being diagnosed with a major degenerative dis-ease will be significantly lessened.
Blessings and best wishes,
Elliot John 3:16
posted by BNB @ 3:08 AM |
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
The Fast And Efficient Ear Pain Relief |
Any type of pain can stop you from performing your daily activities and enjoying life as normal, however, ear pain will keep you up at night with excruciating pain that can make you restless and frustrated. Getting ear pain relief fast is what you and those around you will desire if you have an ear pain; here are a few tips and suggestions that will provide fast and efficient ear pain relief. Common Causes Of Ear Pain Common causes of ear pain are: swimming without ear plugs and allowing water from the pool, which carries different types of bacteria from the many other users of the same pool, to enter your ears and cause infection; common cold can induce pressure in the ears causing it to ache and you may also suffer from ear pain derived from another injured part of the body that is directly related to your ear such as a tooth ache. Each ear pain has different type of pain relief but some practices will help you get relief in all types instances and get a good night’s rest in the process. Different Types Of Ear Pain Relief When you or someone in the family has an earache, try to sleep with the painful ear facing up, even if you feel sleeping on it may release the pain, because it will not. Painkillers that contain acetaminophen such as Tylenol or ibuprofen will help, but be careful of the dosage, as these powerful pain killers can hurt your stomach in the process, so you don’t want to overdose. There are also antiseptic eardrops available for fast and efficient ear pain relief that can be applied as per the indication on the bottle directly into the ear. Warm compresses, such as a hand towel, can be applied to the hurt ear for fast ear pain relief; if you don’t have any type of medicated eardrops available in the house you can warm up olive, garlic or vegetable oil and apply a couple of drops to the affected ear. Please be sure that the oil is not hot, as you can damage the ear permanently and cause more damage than benefit. An easy way to check is by applying a drop of oil on your inner arm to see if it feels warm and not too hot so that you known that it is okay to be administered in the ear. What You Should Know Before Applying Any Medication To Your Hurt Ear If you have any liquid, such as puss, coming out of the hurt ear, do not apply any drops or oil to the ear but see a doctor right away, as you have an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics, but to get through the night you can still use warm compress for temporary ear pain relief. If the ear is swollen or the pain does not subside in the next 24 hours with the above medication, you need to see a doctor for a relevant ear pain relief. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by BNB @ 7:29 PM |
Posted by: ricardo_macalino Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:44 am (PST)
Hi, Below is the formula of Essiac that me and my wife is using for several months now. I have search the formula for a long time prior to our used over the net and this is the only time I came across a fomula mixed with BLOODROOT. I can not however tell you that the one that we used is the original but it is per the book ESSIAC ESSENTIALS and the formula found in many different websites that sell the herbs. In the formula that you have the Turkey Rhubarb was replaced by Bloodroot. Regards, Rick ---------------------------------------------
Re: virus/fungus cures?Posted by: arlynsg Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:47 am (PST)
Though it is important to remember that even if the wart is gone, the virus that caused it may still be in the body for years after. ar ---------------------------------------------
Re: Paw Paw reportPosted by: hemnancy Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:30 pm (PST)
My husband started on 4 per day at a time when he was having stomach problems, he had a stomach ache the day before and also another one after he took the Paw Paw so it was hard to determine what was the cause. But he took 4 per day (one per meal and one at night with a snack) a couple of days then I read something about people who had to take as much as 20 per day before they finally had results so I have been trying to get him to take 2 per meal instead. Most of the time his stomach has been OK. I wish I heard more from people actually taking it successfully to know what dose they found effective. Nancy ---------------------------------------------
Paw Paw reportPosted by: breathedeepnow Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:02 pm (PST)
That was I who mentioned that some people have taken as many as 20 per day, Nancy. There is an herbalist named Thomas Easley who is the one from whom I heard about taking so much more than 4 a day, IF necessary, and at the same time Thomas Easley was mentioning the much higher dosage, Dr. Jerry McLaughlin was there corroborating what Thomas Easley said. So I KNOW it is correct that people can take, if possible and if necessary, as high as 5X the regular dosage. Best thing I can suggest is to try to contact Easley and/or McLoughlin to ask them about higher dosages. Worst that can happen, apparently, is nausea and vomiting, and when that wears off, the person is fine, UNLIKE mainstream chemotherapy. Best wishes, Elliot ---------------------------------------------
Paw Paw reportPosted by: dwntwngrl2 Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:27 pm (PST)
I'm interested in trying this. Does anyone know if its compatible with iv vit c? or high dose oral c? other antioxidants? I know it isnt with coq10. thx KC ---------------------------------------------
You think...Posted by: breathedeepnow Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:28 pm (PST)
"You think eating whatever you want is your freedom when in reality it is your bondage." "Your freedom is in eating in the most healthful way you can." "You have to stop looking at it as "what you can never eat again. That's when it's bondage and not freedom." "Recognize that there is freedom in eating healthfully." "If you want to gain and maintain optimum health, then maintain and enjoy a lifestyle that includes eating healthfully." Those are some good thoughts, eh? Blessings, Elliot ---------------------------------------------
Re: silver colloid for ....virus/fungus cures?Posted by: ganmey Sat Nov 17, 2007 11:53 pm (PST)
Friend, I want to know about the Silver Coloid and from where I can get it,Please let me know. joe p wrote: Silver Colloid for feet fungis/virus etc . my mother had a foot fungus which lasted for over two years red ,itching cracking swelling always sore feet ,went and saw so many doctors that could not figure out anything ,i gave her a couple liters of fresh colloid in warm foot bath and not even 5 full days later COMPLETELY GONE! She had soak her feet 3 out of the four nights for about 20 minutes ,Maybe this will work for you ,it wont do any harm , all the best to everyone joeTechnorati Tags: ESSIAC FORMULA |
posted by BNB @ 2:50 AM |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
Options in Finding Herniated Disc Pain Relief |
A herniated disc occurs when one of the discs located between the vertebrae bulges abnormally or ruptures altogether. In a healthy state, these discs act as a sort of shock absorber between the vertebrae in your back. When one becomes injured, the result can be acute or chronic pain due to the compression of the disc on one or more of the nerves in the back. The good news is that there are a number of options today to bring a patient herniated disc pain relief. Sometimes the first course of action that a doctor will recommend is a day or two of bed rest. This can ease the most severe pain, and give your spine a chance to begin the healing process. However, lying on your back for more than a day or two can actually be counterproductive to your recovery; after that you must find alternative means to herniated disc pain relief. Medication One of the most common ways to bring pain relief for a herniated disc is through medications. Often these can be OTC pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Other times, your doctor will prescribe a medication like an antidepressant, muscle relaxants or corticosteroids. These prescriptions are generally reserved for the most severe cases, when herniated disc pain relief is the most difficult to achieve. Fortunately, there are a number of options in pain relief medications, so you and your doctor stand a very good chance of finding a medicine that will offer some relief for your pain. Other Types of Non-Surgical Treatment There are other methods of bring herniated disc pain relief. One is through the use of hot and cold therapy, that is usually done with ice and heat packs. Ice packs are generally recommended as the initial means of herniated disc pain relief, and can be used for fifteen minutes at a time, as often as needed. Heat is also an effective means of herniated disc pain relief, but it should not be used in the first 48 hours since heat can actually increase inflammation and swelling when applied during this period. Once you can safely apply heat, you can alternate between the two methods or choose the one that brings the most relief to you. Other non-surgical methods of herniated disc pain relief include bracing the affected area for a short time, and using electrical stimulation in conjunction with other treatments to bring relief. Hydrotherapy involves sitting in a whirlpool bath or performing exercises while in the water, and can relax the muscles as well as provide relief from the pain. If these non-surgical methods are not effective in bringing herniated disc pain relief, there are surgical options that you can discuss with your doctor as well. Technorati Tags: Herniated Disc Pain ReliefPowered by ScribeFire. |
posted by BNB @ 2:51 PM |
NutraIngredients News Headlines Week 46 2007 |
Posted by: rb2717 Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:57 am (PST)Low dose grape powder linked to colon protection Low doses of freeze-dried grape powder could inhibit the development of colorectal cancer, suggests a new human pilot study from the US... Milk thistle compound may protect against liver cancer A flavanone compound in milk thistle, silibinin, may stop the growth and spread of liver cancer, suggests a laboratory study from the University of California, Irvine... Citrus boosts tea's antioxidant punch - study Combining citrus juice or vitamin C with green tea or its extracts could increase the absorption of antioxidants from the tea up to 13-fold, suggests new research... Fish for brain health supported by trio of studies Omega-3-rich fish consumption may improve brain function across a broad demographic spectrum, suggest three new studies from around the world... Long-term beta-carotene may slow mental decline Men taking beta-carotene supplements for 15 years or more may experience a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline, according to a new study from Harvard... Black cohosh stops breast cancer growth in the lab Extracts from black cohosh may stop breast cancer cells in their tracks, suggests a new laboratory study involving scientists from French botanicals supplier Naturex... Antioxidants may stop fat cells formation, says study Natural antioxidant compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids could inhibit the formation of fat formation from fat cells, suggests new research from Taiwan... Norway spruce lignans cut hot flushes by 53 per cent - study A daily supplement of lignan from Norway spruce (picea abies) could reduce the incidence of hot flushes by over 50 per cent, suggests a new clinical trial from the US... ---------------------------------------
Re: bone painPosted by:capt_merrill Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:06 am (PST)
Hi Sara I have heavy mets to the bone from prostate cancer. I am virtually pain free and wish I could say prescisely which of the substances I take daily is a pain reducer. Certainly I was in a lot of pain before doing these things. My feeling is that it is a combination of everything I am doing. I am also on the Budwig diet. I add a tablespoon of MSM to the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil mix. MSM is said to help with pain. Here is the recipe for my morning drink. 4 Tablespoons cottage cheese 2 Tablespoons flax seed oil 1 Tablespoon MSM 1 Tablespoon Whey Juice of 2 fresh oranges 2 Tablespoons of Pomegrante concentrate 1 Tablespoon of Genistien It makes quite a heavy drink so you might want to add more juice. In addition to the above I drink Jasmine green tea with a little maple syrup all day long, made fresh from loose leaves. I also drink at least 8 ounces of Pau-Darco tea and 8 ounces of Rishi Mushroom tea which I make from dried mushrooms. I boil the mushrooms for about half an hour. Let them steep, then boil them again and make about two quarts at a time. I drink 8 to 16 ounces of raw juice per day. This is carrott/apple and broccoli or brussel sprouts.You dont get too much juice out of broccoli so I clean the filter just for doing broccoli and use stalk and all. least 8 ounces of lemonade made from the juice of one lemon, maple syrup and a quarter teaspoon of Cayenne pepper. I am also on Bisophoshonates which is recommended for bone tumors. Thats a lot of liquids to drink but by spacing them thru the day I can get it done.Some of the pain that I experienced was definately due to inflammation, so I also take two capsules of Zyflamend per day from New Chapter. This product contains Tumeric,Holy Basil,Ginger and other substances helpful to reduce inflammation. Looking at the above one would think "how can I ever do all that" But....its like everything else, once you learn how to do it, and after you do it for a while, you just become faster and faster at it, creating little shorcuts in your own kitchen space that speed things up. It takes a little time for these things to become really effective. In the meantime for rapid relief she might ask the doctor for a prescription of Oxycontin 12 hour release. Combine this with Ibuprofen and you have a most effective combination of pain relief. Oxycontin is always a decision because of the fear of addiction, and there is major concern for liver damage from ibuprofen, so they should be used sparingly. If none of the above are effective then you have to step up to some kind of intervention and I am sure your Oncologist will suggest Radiation and or Chemo, so its much better to work hard on alternative means. Good Luck. Dan Sara Shahzad wrote: Hello all, i am new to the forum.My mum has been on the Budwig diet for 3 months now.She has metastised uterine cancer (carinisaracma) (MMMT), which is now in her spine,hip bone and source muscle etc. Right now she is feling extreme nerve and bone pain.Anything that can be done to subside it. Thanx Sara
Re: bone pain, hi dan from franzPosted by: astral5002000 Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:41 am (PST)
hi dan,added my first tablespoon msm to the budwig,today,almost no trace of bitter taste,going to continue.... Dan Captain schrieb: I have heavy mets to the bone from prostate cancer. I am virtually pain free and wish I could say prescisely which of the substances I take daily is a pain reducer. Certainly I was in a lot of pain before doing these things. My feeling is that it is a combination of everything I am doing. I am also on the Budwig diet. I add a tablespoon of MSM to the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil mix. MSM is said to help with pain. Here is the recipe for my morning drink. 4 Tablespoons cottage cheese 2 Tablespoons flax seed oil 1 Tablespoon MSM 1 Tablespoon Whey Juice of 2 fresh oranges 2 Tablespoons of Pomegrante concentrate 1 Tablespoon of Genistien It makes quite a heavy drink so you might want to add more juice. ---------------------------------------
Experimental research finds silibinin reduces growth of liver cancerPosted by: rb2717 Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:08 am (PST)Life Extension Update Exclusive Experimental research finds silibinin reduces the growth of liver cancer A report published in the October 28, 2007 issue of the World Journal of Gastroenterology described the finding of hepatologist Ke-Qin Hu, John J Lah and Wei Cui at the University of California, Irvine that silibinin, derived from milk thistle, significantly reduces the growth of several human liver cancer cell lines. The compound has previously demonstrated an inhibitory effect on prostate, colon, skin, bladder and lung cancer cell cultures. Silibinin is a polyphenolic flavonoid and the major biologically active compound of the milk thistle plant. Milk thistle has long been used as an herbal remedy for liver disease and has been shown to have a protective effect on the organ against alcohol or drug related damage. In the current study, Dr Hu's team treated four different human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines with varying doses of silibinin, and examined the compound’s effect on cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle progression, histone acetylation,and other related processes. The team found a dose-dependent inhibition of tumor growth associated with silibinin compared to untreated cells in all lines tested. They discovered that silibinin decreased cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression, enhanced apoptosis (programmed cell self-destruction), and altered the genetic structure of the cancerous cells. At a higher concentration, silibinin also showed an inhibitory effect on two markers of angiogenesis. "Our results defined silibinin's in vitro anti-HCC effects and possible mechanisms, and provided a rationale to further test silibinin for HCC chemoprevention," the authors conclude. Featured Products Silibinin Plus Silibinin is of particular importance for those who may have concerns for the health of their liver. The most biologically active flavonolignan found in silymarin is silibinin. Standardized milk thistle extract usually consists of 60-70% silibinin. Silibinin’s main hepatoprotective properties are that of free radical scavenger and membrane stabilizer. Other important antioxidant effects of silibinin are due to its influence on the superoxide dismutase and the enzyme system associated with glutathione. In addition, silymarin and silibinin actually help maintain a normal rate of protein synthesis in the liver, leading to more efficient cellular functions such as cell division. Silibinin's influence on the 5-lipooxygenase pathway can also account for its role in supporting healthy liver function. Mega Silymarin with Isosilybin B The botanical extract in Mega Silymarin is a triple standardized milk thistle extract. In addition to an optimal 80% standardization of the main active compounds, silymarin flavonolignans, Mega Silymarin is further standardized to two highly active isomers - silibinin and isosilybin B. Most premium milk thistle extracts are void of or lack consistent amounts of the most active flavonolignan isomer isosilybin B. ---------------------------------------
LEF: Complementary alternative cancer therapiesPosted by: rb2717 Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:10 am (PST)Health Concern Complementary alternative cancer therapies Complementary alternative medical therapies (CAM) is a collective term for an array of remedies that lie outside what is traditionally considered conventional medical treatment for cancer. These include the use of herbal, vitamin, and nutritional supplements, as well as physical and psychological interventions such as exercise, relaxation, massage, prayer, hypnotherapy, and acupuncture (Deng G et al 2005; Hann D et al 2005; Molassiotis A et al 2005). The use of CAM as a component of integrated cancer treatment regimens may help patients reduce the side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments, alleviate symptoms, enhance immune function, and provide greater quality of (and control over) life (Deng G et al 2004, 2005). Natural strategies known to prevent the development and progression of cancer include: Calcium Carotenoids Curcumin Garlic Green and black teas Folic acid Melatonin Selenium Silymarin Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K. Silymarin, a milk thistle extract, demonstrates anti-cancer properties against prostate cancer cells and may be useful in preventing and treating prostate cancer (Singh RP et al 2004; vis-Searles PR et al 2005). alternative_cancer_therapies_01.htm ---------------------------------------
LEF: Complementary to Mainstream/Insult to Alternative!Posted by: breathedeepnow Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:16 am (PST)
Hi, Robert. Thank you for that list. It is very impressive and helpful. I am always struck, though, by the term "complementary" as used by the mainstream. To me it means that since the mainstream is unable to keep people with cancer from using alternative treatments, they are willing to tolerate them in order to get their "patients" to comply with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. But what should someone who believes in the real effectiveness of Gerson, Budwig, LDN, raw foods and other effective protocols use to describe mainstream treatment? Wouldn't it be appropriate for such a person to call mainstream medicine "Insulting," since the so- called "side-effects" from it often seriously injure the body, and since they significantly interfere with the therapeutic effect of alternative treatment? Could we not conversely say the following: Mainstream strategies known to temporarily shrink tumors and then allow them to come roaring back with a vengeance, as well as to produce neutropenia, anemia, nausea, vomiting, infections, terrible mouth sores, diarrhea, serious fatigue, hair loss, terrible rashes, blistering and other assorted damage to the body include: chemotherapy radiation surgery Is that not fair? Best wishes and best of health, Elliot ---------------------------------------
Re: LEF: Complementary to Mainstream/Insu lt to Alternative!Posted by: cvrich2000 Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:40 am (PST)Hi Elliot.. I helped start a non-profit website called to discuss these very issues and would love for you to share some of your ideas there as well. Check out the utube video of my mom and I on the bottom of the front page in the middle. I say the same thing you are saying on there. We definitely have to get the word out! take care and God Bless! Charley ---------------------------------------
Re: virus/fungus cures?Posted by: sweettelamoonheart Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:51 am (PST)
Hi Margie, If you are able to order Australian Blue Cypress oil this will help with viruses. I had a plantars wart on the bottom of my foot and was told by a woman who has a shop in town and she suggested the Australian Blue Cypress oil. I did what she said and the plantars wart went away in a week. The way I was directed to take it and took it was as follows: this might sound weird but it was the way I was told to take it internally. Because it worked, this is the way I do it: put one drop of the oil on the back of your hand and lick it off (the reason for this might be so that the oil is spread out on your tongue; not sure) then put one drop on a small piece of cotton and place that directly onto the wart. I put a band-aid on it to keep the cotton in place. I kept it on and changed it at least once a day at the same time or additionally when I showered. It worked. Was painless. and Was easy. Good luck. margie.jeanne wrote: Does anyone know of a natural supplement that would rid me of virus and fungus that still lurks in my body? I have toenail fungus on two toes, and a papilloma virus/wart for the past 47 years on the bottom of my foot, and some recurrent seed warts. I think that getting rid of these might increase my chances of keeping my cancers at bay (I have had adrenal cortical carcinoma and thyroid cancer in the past two years, and the adrenal cancer was in my liver recently, but now appears to be regressing). Any ideas, please? Margie---------------------------------------
Re: silver colloid for ....virus/fungus cures? Posted by: joe2natural Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:38 am (PST)
Silver Colloid for feet fungis/virus etc . my mother had a foot fungus which lasted for over two years red ,itching cracking swelling always sore feet ,went and saw so many doctors that could not figure out anything ,i gave her a couple liters of fresh colloid in warm foot bath and not even 5 full days later COMPLETELY GONE! She had soak her feet 3 out of the four nights for about 20 minutes ,Maybe this will work for you ,it wont do any harm , all the best to everyone joe margie.jeanne wrote: Does anyone know of a natural supplement that would rid me of virus and fungus that still lurks in my body? I have toenail fungus on two toes, and a papilloma virus/wart for the past 47 years on the bottom of my foot, and some recurrent seed warts. I think that getting rid of these might increase my chances of keeping my cancers at bay (I have had adrenal cortical carcinoma and thyroid cancer in the past two years, and the adrenal cancer was in my liver recently, but now appears to be regressing). Any ideas, please? Margie---------------------------------------
NEW ESSIAC FORMULA, MORE EFFECTIVEPosted by: fractalmoves2 Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:32 am (PST)does anyone know the recipe for this version of essiac that is being sold for $340 for 3 months supply? here: he has added bloodroot to the mixture. Anyone know the proportions of bloodroot vs the other ingredients for this "essiac"? Paula ---------------------------------------
Re: NEW ESSIAC FORMULA, MORE EFFECTIVEPosted by: sheldavis Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:50 am (PST)
fractalmoves2 wrote: he has added bloodroot to the mixture. Anyone know the proportions of bloodroot vs the other ingredients for this "essiac"Why the bloodroot? This is nothing to tangle with if you don't know what you are doing. It is an extremely potent herb and if you don't use it correctly it can do more damage than good. ---------------------------------------
Re: NEW ESSIAC FORMULA, MORE EFFECTIVEPosted by: bilbul12002 Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:02 pm (PST)
i have looked at this website and i'm surprised at the price. isn't $340 expensive for a three month supply? also the other 'essiac' formulas have a herb called 'turkish rhubarb'- is this the same as bloodroot? can anyone in this group enlighten me please as to which is the most effective 'essiac'formula? ---------------------------------------
Re: NEW ESSIAC FORMULA, MORE EFFECTIVEPosted by: sweettelamoonheart Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:50 am (PST)
I thought I would just throw my two cents in for whatever it was worth. Some or all of you might know about this product but I figured since this is the subject I'll share just incase. There is a version of Essiac by Flora, it is called Flor-essence. It has the Essiac ingredients plus 3 others I believe. I do not really know how anyone can truly determine the effectiveness of products without trying them, so I would evaluate based on the product ingredients, where & how the manufacturer acquires & handles their ingredients and the overall integrity of the company. I found out about the Flor-essence because a friend has bladder cancer and I was directed to it by some smart folks that are abreast of alternative treatments. I know Flora is a good company, however, there is no way for me to know where the product stands in effectiveness over the other Essiac formulas. I contacted the company because I wanted to know more about the product. But the person that is the Flor-essence and Essiac person wasn't in that day. I decided to get one jar for myself to do a little detox just to see how I felt but I haven't been taking it regularly. If anyone has experience with this particular formula for cancer I would love to hear about it. All the best, Brigitte ---------------------------------------
Paw Paw reportPosted by: elainegallant Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:02 pm (PST)
ok...I don't know if it's the Paw Paw, but my cancer has continued to heal. I am in the unique position of having cervical cancer. It's a lesion I can palpate physically. I can check it manually to see what it's doing. For the last month, I was at an apparent stand still. There MAY have been internal healing going on. Externally, where I can touch it, the lesion would form crazy blood vessels on the surface, that would bleed. It has only been three days. I've taken exactly 4 Paw Paw pills. Am also on pancreatic enzymes, colloidal silver, LDN, and cesium. The lesions are getting smaller. They are not bleeding. Not at this time anyway. So far, so good with the Paw Paw and other alternatives. |
posted by BNB @ 2:47 AM |
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